Saturday, 18 February 2012

Multiplying Expressions by Monomial

Multiplying Expressions by Monomial
In the previous lesson, we have learned about algebraic expressions, and their addition and subtraction, monomials, binomials, trinomials, etc.
monomials, binomial, trinomial, polynomials, multiplying polynomials
The product of monomials is equal to the product of their coefficients multiplied by the product of their variables.
Product of Monomials = Product of Coefficients x Product of Variables
monomials, product of monomials, coefficients, variables, product of coefficients, product of variables
To multiply polynomials, you have to:
  1. Apply the distributive law to reduce the multiplication of expressions to products of monomials.
  2. Add the powers of the variable, if a variable is multiplied with itself.
  3. Add the like terms in the product.
multiplication of monomial with binomial, multiplication of monomial with trinomial, multiplication of binomials, monomial, binomial, trinomial, distributive law

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