Saturday 18 February 2012

Linear Equations

Linear Equations
We know that Arithmetic expressions are mathematical expressions that are made up of numbers.
Algebraic expressions are made up of variables and numbers.
Algebraic expressions with degree one are called linear expressions.
All expressions that have degree greater than one are not linear.
An equation can be defined as a mathematical statement that uses symbols to express equality between mathematical expressions.

The expression on the left of the equality sign is the ‘LHS’ of the equation, while that on the right is its ‘RHS.
The value for which the LHS and RHS of an equation is called the Solution of the equation.
An algebraic equation can be solved by performing mathematical operations such as arithmetic expressions ,mathematical expressions ,variables,
Linear expressions, expressions , linear equation ,algebraic equation, Solution of the equation and arithmetic expressions ,mathematical expressions ,variables,
Linear expressions, expressions , linear equation ,algebraic equation, Solution of the equation to both sides of the equation or by transposing a number to the other side and performing the opposite operation on the number so transposed.
A linear equation may have a rational number as its solution.

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