Saturday 18 February 2012

Linear Graphs

Linear Graphs
A linear graph is different from a line graph. In a linear graph, the set of points on the graph line up in an orderly manner.  A linear graph is a graph that consists of a single straight line segment.
line graph
Cartesian System: when you draw a graph, you start with two straight lines at right angles to each other. The horizontal line is called the x-axis of the graph. The vertical line is called the y-axis of the graph. The x-axis and the y-axis together are called the axes of the graph. The intersection point of the axes is called the origin. Generally, the origin is denoted by the letter O.The position of a point that we draw on the graph is indicated by a pair of numbers within brackets – these are called the coordinates for that point.
x-axis, y-axis, axes, origin, coordinates for that point
dependent variable, independent variable
The graph of a proportional relationship results in a linear graph. A proportional relationship is expressed as an equation containing two variables. An independent variable can have any value. A dependent variable’s value is determined by the independent variable.

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