Saturday, 18 February 2012

Area of Quadrilaterals and Polygons

Area of Quadrilaterals and Polygons
We can find the area of the triangle using the formula 
To find the area of a quadrilateral we will divide the quadrilateral into two triangles and add the areas of the two triangles.
The method of dividing a quadrilateral into two triangles to find out its area is known as triangulation.
Let ABCD is a quadrilateral. Then
Area of quadrilateral ABCD
= (Area of ∆ ABD) + (Area of ∆ BCD)
= ½ d (), where d is the diagonal and  and  are the heights of the quadrilateral.
Area of quadrilateral ABCD= ½ d ()
triangulation, quadrilateral, area of a quadrilateral
In a parallelogram the diagonal divide it into two triangles. Now
Area of a Parallelogram = base × height
 Area of a Parallelogram = base × height
parallelogram, Area of a Parallelogram
In a rhombus diagonals are perpendicular to each other, so we can use the method of triangulation to find the area of a rhombus.
Area of a Rhombus =  (), where  and  are the lengths of the diagonals.

triangulation, rhombus, area of a rhombus
Area of a Rhombus =  (), where  and  are the lengths of the diagonals.
A trapezium has a pair of parallel sides.
Area of trapezium =

Where h = perpendicular distance between the parallel sides of a trapezium and a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides.
Area of trapezium =
trapezium, Area of trapezium

A polygon is a closed shape that has at least three sides. It is a closed shape that has at least three sides. Triangles, quadrilaterals, rectangles and squares are all types of polygons. Moreover, a polygon can be of any shape and can have any number of sides. There is no specific formula for calculating the area of a polygon. The best way is to split the polygon into shapes whose area can be calculated individually.
polygon, area of a polygon
polygon, area of a polygon

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